Sunday, November 21, 2010

What are Wireless Speakers?

Wireless speakers usually fall in to eight categories: infrared & radio frequency. Infrared, like a television remote control, beams a signal to the speakers. The disadvantage of this setup is occasional dropouts of sound. Since infrared requires a direct line of site, & any objects in the way can prevent the wireless speakers from receiving. Other wireless speakers use radio frequency waves to transmit the signal. & while the signal can pass through objects, some static can interfere with the sound just like when listening to the radio or when using a cordless telephone.

Another consideration with wireless speakers is range, for use outside. Lots of living rooms aren't bigger than a twenty or thirty feet, but reaching the patio 100 feet away is a much bigger challenge. Lots of speakers can be bought with ranges well past that, but it's best to check first, before believing the manufacturer's claims.

 Any number of factors will influence the range of a set of wireless speakers including house, building materials, other electronic devices cluttering the radio band, & even geographic destination. All of these can
significantly reduce the range of wireless speakers.

Setting up wireless speakers outside also requires additional consideration. Most systems are weather proof, but usually are not recommended for leaving outside on a regular basis. It's best to read instructions carefully & take them inside when feasible. The weather proofing can also cause a muffled sound, though in the yard, acoustics & audiophile quality sound are usually not the main concern anyway.

Wireless speakers are a great choice for anyone that desires to get rid of the clutter & tangle of messy wires. We are also an excellent choice for outdoor use, when stringing wires isn't even an option. And, setting up wireless speakers is as simple as taking them out of the box. Most systems require only be turned on & properly tuned to the receiving speakers without having to drill the walls or lift up the rug.

With the increasing popularity of home theater setups with multiple speakers, the benefits of wireless speakers have become even more apparent. Wiring eight speakers may not be almost impossible, but connecting those speakers way in the back of the room & navigating wires around objects or through walls can become a time consuming task.

Wireless speakers are getting better every day as know-how advances & we become increasingly popular with consumers. Modern radio frequency systems utilize better transmitters & receptors to decrease the interference, while infrared systems have redundant transmitters to help reduce dropouts. Sound quality is also being stepped up as the systems become better able to transmit quality signals. While wireless speakers cannot match a traditional wired process of similar price in terms of sound quality, we can definitely.

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